Ever get a craving for movie-style popcorn at home? Break open this package and get to popping!

These tiny kernels pack unbelievable flavor and great nutrition! They're also easy to make. Just line the bottom of a pan with oil and add some test kernels. Once the oil is hot enough, the test kernels will pop and then you can add a layer of kernels. Let them cook until there's about 2 or 3 seconds between pops then top with salt! You've got a yummy, nutritious treat!


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Image from Farm to People
Peter and Hannah Martens FarmPeter and Hannah Mart...

New York State has a rich agricultural history, including the farming of dried beans. In fact, the US dry bean industry began in Western, NY in the mid-nineteenth century. Western NY remained the center of domestic dried bean production for many years, reaching 500,000 bushels by the 1890s.

Over the last decade there has been a renaissance of family farming across NYS, including the growing of dried beans. At the forefront of this movement is Peter Martens of Seneca Grain & Bean. Peter & Hannah Martens Farm grows a variety of organic dried beans, as well as a variety of organic grains. Their mill is certified organic with NOFA-NY and they exclusively handle organic grains.