Our pasture-raised beef stir-fry strips are conveniently pre-cut for a quick meal. They can withstand the high-heat required of a typical stir-fry and can be pre-marinated for extra tender meat. Because we support whole-animal butchery, it's important for us to offer less well-known cuts like stir-fry strips, stew meat, and ground beef in order to use the entirety of the animal. Add to an Asian inspired stir fry with soy and ginger; sear with peppers and onions for fajitas; quick cook in sauce for a hot sandwich.
Happy Valley Meat Co. partners with small-scale, family farmers in Pennsylvania who raise their animals according to their rigorous standards in order to help farms reach a broader market. In order to increase transparency for our farm partners, meat ordered through Happy Valley Partners sometimes has a specific farmer's name and label. Because the farms they work with are very small, we're unable to offer a consistent supply of specific cuts, but all meet the same standards of quality, sustainability, and animal welfare.