750.0 Milliliter

Susquehanna Mills Co.
Pennsdale, PA
In 2006, Susquehanna Mills was born when their founder became interested in cost-effective bio-diesel for the vehicles he used in his construction business. Since then, they have evolved from a supplier of bio-diesel to a manufacturer of quality Canola, Sunflower, and Hemp cooking oils whose top priority is sustainability. To that end, Susquehanna Mills practices Full Circle manufacturing, wherein some of their vehicles & many of their farm partners' vehicles are powered using waste oil from our partner restaurants and universities, which they pick up when they deliver fresh oil. Susquehanna Mills deliberately chooses plastic bottles for their oils. While they are worried about Earth and single-use plastics, they are also aware of the really delicate balance between cost, quality, sustainability, and marketability. The math has to work for the whole system or it will fall apart. Their plastic bottles are manufactured locally and, as much as Susquehanna Mills is all about sustainability, they're equally about elevating local agriculture and small business in PA. And their plastic bottles are recyclable! Susquehanna Mills is always researching post-consumer plastic materials, cost, and availability. They are excited about the potential for hemp plastics at some point in the not-too-distant future!